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Tips om pilling te voorkomen of te verwijderen

Tips to prevent or remove pilling

But after wearing it a few times, those annoying little balls will appear on your sweater. Your new favorite has started pilling! We explain how pilling occurs, but more importantly; how to get rid of it!
We want to clear up a misunderstanding first. Pilling has nothing to do with price or quality and is simply an inescapable characteristic of many types of wool. Even the most exclusive sweaters are not immune to pilling, because every wearing and washing moment creates friction and friction is the biggest cause of pilling. Every fabric has its advantages and disadvantages and in general the following applies: the woollier or hairier the fabric, the shorter the fibre, the greater the chance of pilling. Sweaters made of knitted viscose fabric pill, but also coarsely knitted garments. The coarse and loosely knitted garments are more likely to pill than heavier knits where the knitting stitches are closer together. As a fan of viscose knitted sweaters and chunky knitted sweaters and cardigans, we understand that you cannot ignore these. We love to share our tips & tricks to prevent and remove pilling.


1. Never pull the pilling balls. This will only cause more unnecessary damage.
2. Never use a disposable razor to shave off pills. There is also a good chance that you will damage your garment.
3. Use a sweater comb, pumice stone or clothing brush to keep yarns in optimal condition. And to remove light pilling.
4. Always use a professional lint trimmer. Watch the video below on how to use it.


5. Allow 24 hours rest between wears. Fibers that have been stretched or damaged during wear then have the chance to 'repair' naturally.
6. Always wash according to the washing instructions on the label. They are not there for nothing.
7. Always use a washing bag to prevent abrasion during washing.
8. Use a handheld steamer to delay washes. Steaming is also a 'safe' way of cleaning.
9. Store your woolen garments folded in the closet. Also make sure that the garment has enough space.
10. Use a special detergent for wool and other delicate fabrics. Specially developed to keep the fibers in perfect condition.

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